Summer Camp 2024
Registration for Summer Sessions is open now!
To be added to a waitlist for sold out camp please
send an email to: [email protected]

All Hands Allston’s Summer Sessions are especially designed for children who love crafting projects and making art. We can be very flexible in our scheduling because our cohort size is small (no more than six children) and we do not share our space.
Mornings will usually start with an extended project lasting an hour and a half to two hours. Often this first part of the day will be spent doing woodworking. The morning may also include a short art activity or game before or after the long session. Late morning, around eleven o’clock, we will get ready and head to a neighborhood park about a 10 to 15 minute walk from the studio. The park we plan to most often use is quiet and shady. It offers open space, playground equipment and a sprinkler. At the park we’ll have a relaxed recess and lunch, including a chance to cool off in the water. Some days we may choose to go to different parks in the neighborhood. Upon returning to the studio everyone will have a chance to change into dry clothing and get ready for the afternoon. By about 12:30 we’ll start the afternoon art making. Most afternoons will be broken into two or more project sessions. Depending on the week’s theme, projects could include printmaking, sculpting with found and recycled objects, painting, book making, weaving, felting, sewing, dying, mixing slime, making stop action animations and many other possibilities. In the middle of the afternoon we’ll take a brief popsicle break. At about 3:15 everyone will help clean up and get ready for pick up time at 3:30. On Friday afternoons parents and guardians are invited to arrive twenty minutes early, at 3:10pm, to enjoy a display of everyone’s artwork!
Camp is $535.00 per week - all materials are included.

Summer Camp Sessions 2023

Monday - Friday                   9:00am - 3:30pm

July 8 - July 12                 ages 5-10

Mad Scientists 
Each camper will design and make a robot with moving parts in woodworking . Mad Scientists will design and paint their dream laboratories, blast off rockets and create chemical reactions (from household items). They will sculpt mixed-up Frankenstein style animals. All week students combine science and art as they mix, paint, print, sculpt and draw using a wide array of materials.   

July 15 - July 19                 Ages 5-10

Knights and Princesses 
This week campers will travel back to the middle ages and build a castle or palace of your own design. They will decide who will live within its protective walls; knights and horses, a royal family, a wizard or perhaps a band of dragons! They will design a royal crest and paint it on a shield, make a catapult and create treasure to furnish their castle from a wide variety of materials.  

 Sold Out

July 22 – July 26                ages 6-11

Treehouse Builders 
Campers will fabricate tree stumps from wood and paper mache and then build furniture, and weave rugs or hammocks for their home in a tree. They will create woodland animals, fairies, trolls or super heroes to inhibit their treehouses. This week students will paint, build and sculpt in a variety of art materials and use materials from nature.   

 Sold Out

July 29 – August 2              ages 8-12

Explorers of Light and Color
 In woodworking every camper will design, build and wire a lamp. They will create a variety of circuits using salt, copper tape, milk, potatoes and wire to turn on a lightbulb. Campers will make a spectroscope to separate white light into colors and a kaleidoscope to mix colors. Color mixing will be explored in printing, dyeing and painting. This week will involve a lot of experimenting! 

August 5 - August 9          ages 4-7

Messy Morning and Artful Afternoons
This session is a  mix of art, science and fun projects! Make wild animals or ‘things that go’ in woodworking, mix slime and other potions, paint with shaving cream or spray bottles and make amazing creations using a variety of art, recycled and natural materials. Each day will include experimenting with a wide variety of art materials and techniques, always asking the question “What happens if?”.

 Sold Out

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